(480) 945-3300

Patti Flint MD

Breast Lift

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before & after


A breast lift corrects the bothersome effects of sagging breasts, removing excess skin and reshaping the breast tissue into a rounder, more aesthetically appealing position. This procedure can also downsize a stretched or large nipple/areola complex and move it into a forward-facing position higher on the breast and chest wall.

A breast lift can be done with or without changing the size of your breasts. If you desire more volume, Dr. Flint will recommend adding breast implants. If your breasts are very heavy and pendulous, Dr. Flint can downsize your breasts during the surgery as well. It all depends on your goals.




It’s common for women who consult with Dr. Flint about breast surgery to be uncertain about whether a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or a combination is the best surgical option. In fact, it would be exceedingly difficult for a woman to know which procedure will give her the result she desires without a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon.

Once Dr. Flint hears your goals and examines your breasts, she can provide an opinion. A good rule of thumb is that if your nipple complex is below the fold underneath your breast, a breast augmentation alone will not provide adequate shape correction, so you will benefit from a lift. If you want to add size as well, Dr. Flint can place breast implants at the time of your lift. If you have fuller breasts that droop, but don’t want implants, a breast lift alone may give you the results you want.

In some instances, even if a patient does not want larger breasts, implants are utilized to preserve upper pole fullness, and excess breast tissue is removed to prevent the breast from being made too large. Removing excess tissue on the bottom of the breast can decrease the likelihood of a bottomed-out breast shape over the long term.



Dr. Flint meets with you to discuss your goals regarding your breast surgery. Then she examines you, discusses your options, and makes her recommendations. She answers all of your questions at this time. Then you are given information regarding the fees and an opportunity to select a date for your surgery, if you so desire.

Note: A breast lift should generally be deferred until childbearing is completed, as pregnancy will stretch the breast skin, leading to recurrent droop.


The procedure lasts approximately two hours, and you will be able to go home about two hours after your surgery. You are required to wear a surgical wrap for one or two days. Dr. Flint will then see you in the office and place you in a sports bra. Patients generally describe discomfort as less than expected. Most women switch from prescription pain medications to over-the-counter alternatives within three to five days and are permitted to drive at that point.

Patients typically take one week off of work. You are not allowed to do any lifting or exercise for the first three weeks. During your follow-up appointments, Dr. Flint will evaluate your progress to determine when you are able to return to full activities.
You will notice improvement to your breast shape immediately after surgery, but it will continue to improve over the first three post-operative months. With proper care, your scars will fade nicely over 12 months.

From the moment I called to schedule my initial consultation to my recent follow up appointment 4 months after my procedure, I have been all smiles! Dr. Flint and her staff have been nothing short of amazing!

– Actual Patient Review